Every property with more than two homes on the block will be part of an Owner’s Corporation.
Do you know what type of ownership you hold?
There are 3 different types of ownership on a multi homed block and this can greatly affect you depending on if you own one of these properties or are looking to purchase one.
Kate Yeowart from Strata Equity Management features in tonight’s Domain & Co. Professional Property Series to talk to us about the 3 different types of ownership in and OC and why they all differ.
Click on this link http://bit.ly/2qIblMj if you would like more information on any Owners Corporation matter.
The Melanie Dennis Professional Property Series will come to you with a new professional interviewed by me each Thursday at 8pm……next week Clint Waters from AXTON Finance - Professional Mortgage Brokers will be talking with me on applying for a loan.