So were we, so we started our own. Five years later, we manage more than 70 buildings comprising more than 1,000 lots. Common issues we experience and hear from our clients: I never know who to call, I’m constantly transferred from one department to another OR my calls and emails are never returned. We know how frustrating the seemingly simple expectation, of having a phone call answered, can be when not met. Our experienced Owners Corporation (OC) team manage up to half as many properties as some of our larger competitors – who simply don’t have the time to return phone calls. When we can’t take a call on the spot, we strive to always return it the same day. We are concerned our building may have major structural or building defect issues. Unfortunately, many buildings constructed in the last decade were built to an inferior standard. Major building defects and rectification works are commonplace many years after the building is completed. These issues are commonly made more challenging by less than co-operative builders. We know firsthand the stress, time and money these issues can take to resolve, which often fall on the shoulders of volunteer members of OC committees. Whilst we can’t make these issues disappear, we are experienced in dealing with them, including issues related to cladding. We bring a mix of practical OC knowledge along with building fabric and legal expertise, to project managing these issues on your behalf. I’m on the committee and I can’t easily get financial reports. LongView uses a leading cloud based software system, Urbanise, which provides all owners with online portal access to view and pay their current levy balance. Committee members can access the financial accounts at any time and can also approve work order via the system. LongView also uses a system called Stratavote allowing for more streamlined AGM’s and meetings. We have not had an AGM for several years and we are not sure what the manager does. We have seen a few instances where OC’s have not had formal meetings for several years. Often smaller properties (with less than 10 lots), fall by the wayside of larger OC managers and do not get the attention they deserve from their manager. LongView manages properties ranging from small 3 lot properties up to more than 90 lots, but regardless of the size we ensure that all properties annual compliance and operational needs are met on time. It is very difficult to change OC Managers and I’m not on the committee so I really don’t have a say in the matter. Changing OC Managers is not difficult, although there are several steps that need to be taken. The first of which is whether your frustrations are collectively held by most other owners – the answer to this is usually a resounding YES. LongView can help you and the other owners through the whole process, including termination of your current management contract and hand-over of files and trust funds.
If you are looking for a new OC manager and would like some more information book a free strategy session with Mel Dennis by CLICKING HERE.
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